
'Very small shop fundraising in a pandemic' webinar with GG+A's Al Novak

When you look in the mirror in the morning, do you see 50% of the professional staff and 33% of the team in a small community hospital shop? How do you balance the need for gifts of PPE, the need for cash to pay for PPE, managing donations of food for clinicians with keeping a major gift program flowing? How do you steward your donors? How do you do this while two-thirds of your staff work from home?

If you’ve wondered about any of these questions, watch our webinar with GG+A Consulting Vice President Albert Novak, who is also Vice President and Chief Development Officer of Excela Health, a nonprofit health system that is the sole provider of health care in Westmoreland County, Penn. In this role, Al acts as the lead fundraiser for Excela and the chief administrative officer for the system’s two supporting foundations.

In the webinar, Al shares how the cost of PPE skyrocketed and what that meant for the hospital system and his role. “At one point, we were literally two days away from not having enough surgical gowns and talking about how to adapt garbage bags,” Al says. “The cost of PPE rose 10-fold and surgical gown costs increased 100-fold while many products you just couldn’t get.” All this was happening while major gifts conversations were going on, and while Al and his team were also busy procuring equipment for 100 mega-pressure rooms for COVID-19 patients to be isolated.

To hear more of Al’s story, watch “Very Small Shop Fundraising in a Pandemic.”

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