
Digital donor engagement: Chart your course webinar

You did the impossible. Overnight, you pivoted from donor events, face-to-face meetings and class reunions to Zoom calls, webinars, virtual book clubs and other digital programs. But the world isn’t returning to normal any time soon, and the virtual environment is here to stay. The question is: Now what?

GG+A Senior Vice President and Managing Partner Melinda Church and GG+A Senior Vice President Pete Lasher lead this webinar on next-gen innovation for Advancement with an emphasis on rethinking our work and creating entire arcs of donor engagement that are virtual.

“What’s particularly exciting about some of these innovations is they’ve been so successful that there’s no doubt that when we return to business as usual, we’ll still employ them,” shares Pete.

In this webinar, Melinda and Pete step attendees through the process of developing full strategic engagement plans for a new era.

Digital Donor Engagement: Chart Your A-to-Z Course

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