
A philanthropic response to COVID-19 at Mexico's largest private university

Mexico’s largest private, nonprofit university system, which encompasses 25 campuses with more than 93,000 enrolled students, had a unique response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

While institutions around the world pulled back on fundraising, Tecnológico de Monterrey (Tec) leapt forward, launching their first-ever multi-unit, multi-priority campaign initiative to seek emergency student support and funding for research and its frontline health care programs. In this webinar Tec’s Associate Vice President for Development Francisco Fernández  shares with GG+A Consultant Kyle Gorden the university system’s progress on the initiative and lessons learned.

A Philanthropic Response to COVID-19 at Mexico’s Largest Private University

A Philanthropic Response to COVID-19 at Mexico’s Largest Private University from Grenzebach Glier + Associates on Vimeo.

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